so apparently, according to one my my favorite parenting blogs Ask Moxie, we are in the midst of one of the toughest sleep regressions. there's the 4 month, which i think we really didn't get until 5 months, and there is this.. i'm confident that nobody is really interested in this information, but for sanity's sake i'm putting it out there - last nights wake-ups were as follows: 10:11, 12:05, 2:15-3ish, 4 something, up at 5:42. i nursed M throughout because trying to soothe him was doing nothing but keeping all of us up, and because i understand in some hazy way that crawling, teething, pulling-up and babbling will keep a new little up all night.. perhaps at 3am my sympathy wanes, but somewhere in the afternoon while i watch his determined face, i weaken and understand, these are huge times for the peanut..
i really loved this quote, because it was exactly how i was (am) feeling this morning:
It seems like 9 months is just about when parents start to feel confident about things, and women start to feel like they may have some semblance of their bodies back (if by "back" you mean that you've noticed that you still have toes and that your limbs mostly work), and the babies are kind of happy and interactive and starting to move around. And then--bam!--your kid's suddenly not sleeping and it seems like it must be something you did and you feel incompetent and defeated. (Source:
i remember an old colleague of mine telling me, as we passed by some seedy hotel, that his big fantasy was one day to book a hotel room, not tell his wife or anyone, and just sleep in it all day. at the time i found that rather depressing, but now i completely get it..
(dream bed by Rough Linen)
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