Wednesday, April 3, 2013

in the current medicine cabinet

Even in the old corporate office job days, I never spent too much time on my face.. my hair, on the other hand, is a whole other thing. But the face, eh, I figured I couldn't compete with the 20 year old interns so why even try. Oddly, being a mom at home, I'm more concerned with slapping some product on. Even minimal effort seems great these days.

Right now, my routine consists of:

A.M. - Wipe around my crusty eyes but not getting my face wet (its so dry from this winter) putting on some Weleda Rose Moisture Cream.. putting on a light layer of Jane Iredela Liquid Minerals (a makeup artist on a shoot once suggested this for my eczema prone skin and its pretty good).. then shellacking some Tarte concealer under the old eyes (this product I find a bit too dry, you have to rub it in immediately so its not my fave, but I'm waiting until the bottle runs out to buy a new one.. dream concealer where are you?!).. Then I use my (disgusting, 2 year-old, no name, out of shape) blush brush and put on some Alima mineral blush on.. this I got at a beauty sale when I was working at Time Inc. (ugh, why is this post making me miss my corporate day job so much?) I've had it over a year and still have a lot of product, I would buy it again.. If I have another minute, I fill in my spotty brows with a Mac brow pencil that I got at a Real Simple beauty sale.. oh man, enough with this job lust! And.. now this is on very special occasion days.. like those days I plan on taking Milo to the park or perhaps, gulp, a playdate, I'll throw on 2 coats (why 2? OCD you ask? Perhaps..) of Maybelline in the pink tube.. this stuff is the real deal but its a nightmare to take off, I'll try something new when the tube gets crusty(er)

P.M. - I just started doing the oil cleansing method.. have you tried it? You spread a few drops of oil, many use olive oil which I will try next, so far I've been using Jojoba oil, and spread it around your dry face for a minute or so, then rinse with warm water.. Its actually quite lovely and does the deed of getting most of the Maybelline pink tube off and hasn't broken me out.. score! On those days I'm feeling kind of gnarly, I'll do a Say Yes To Cucumbers face wipe..

And voila! all this and I still look like a ragged exhausted new mum.. but I feel a little better, and feelings what counts, right? Take that, corporate office job, you!

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